Astro After Dark on Dark Matter!

Coming Tuesday, February 20

Hi everyone!

This is just a quick note that the next Astro After Dark is coming soon - Tuesday, February 20, 6:30-8:30pm at Borelli’s Pizza.

You can enjoy great food and drinks while learning about the cosmos. The first hour I’ll have some sweet demos around for you to interact with at your leisure, and at 7:30pm I’ll present a talk on the following topic:

What's the Matter with Dark Matter? Conundrums and Conflicts with the Universe's Most Mysterious Stuff

Evening Schedule:
6:30pm-7:25pm: Hands on (adult and kid-friendly) Astronomy demonstration or activity
7:30pm-8:30pm: Science Talk with space images, followed by Q&A
8:30pm-9:00pm: Planet or Moon viewing (weather permitting)

Activities will be aimed at ages 10+, but will include material for younger kids as well!
Talks will be aimed at as broad an audience as possible, best for ages 14+.

You can learn more and RSVP on the facebook event linked below.

Note that Borelli’s is located at 2124 W Lawrence Ave, Chicago, IL 60625 in Lincoln Square, Chicago. I hope to see you there!

All the best,


P.S. I apologize there’s been a slight delay in getting this news sent around; thank you for your patience as I test out different newsletter software!