Astro After Dark on Black Holes

Coming in May...

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are having a wonderful start to your week. This is just a brief note to say that there will not be an Astro After Dark event in April, but we will have one in May. As of now, the event is scheduled for 6:30-8:30pm on Tuesday, May 21 - so mark your calendars!

We’ll have demos and a talk on those mysterious cosmic objects: black holes (I’m trying out “Past the Point of No Return: A Black Hole Opera” as the talk title - what do you think?).

And, just for fun, a black hole fact: if you were to watch someone fall into a black hole you wouldn’t ever see them disappear into it. Instead what you’d see would be quite bizarre - they’d appear to move slower and slower as they approached the edge of the black hole (the “event horizon”), they’d also start to look redder and redder, and dimmer and dimmer till they’d essentially appear to stop and then fade out of sight!

I’ll look forward to seeing you in May!

All the best,
